On Tuesday, 25 August 2015 22:15:11 UTC+5:30, Randell Jesup  wrote:
> On 8/25/2015 12:40 PM, Balwant Bisht wrote:
> > I am trying to send media via TCP turn, but looks like Firefox never trying 
> > to connect using TCP to turn server.
> >
> > Is Firefox Nightly support TCP Media Relay via Turn?
> TCP TURN when using e10s is not yet supported; see bug 885982 - it's 
> actively being worked on.  e10s is not the default on beta or release, 
> and will not be the default in release until at least Firefox 43.
> If you disable e10s (multi-process) support in Nightly, TURN TCP should 
> work.
> -- 
> Randell Jesup, Mozilla

TCP turn via proxy work in Firefox?

I am trying to establish webrtc call via Turn's TCP port 443 and user is behind 
proxy server which require authentication. But firefox not trying to connect to 
turn server on port 443. I tried on Firefox Nightly 47.0a1 (2016-02-28) and 
enabled "media.peerconnection.ice.tcp"
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