On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 1:53:50 PM UTC-8, Mike Connor wrote:
>    - Direct commit access to repositories will be strictly limited to
>    sheriffs and a subset of release engineering.
>       - Any direct commits by these individuals will be limited to fixing
>       bustage that automation misses and handling branch merges.
>    - All other changes will go through an autoland-based workflow.
>       - Developers commit to a staging repository, with scripting that
>       connects the changeset to a Bugzilla attachment, and integrates
> with review
>       flags.
>       - Reviewers and any other approvers interact with the changeset as
>       today (including ReviewBoard if preferred), with Bugzilla flags as the
>       canonical source of truth.
>       - Upon approval, the changeset will be pushed into autoland.
>       - If the push is successful, the change is merged to mozilla-central,
>       and the bug updated.

Requiring secure accounts, and not being able to land bustage, sound like good 
goals. But these proposals sound like a lot of serious productivity-hampering 
restrictions. It's not explained what actual problems are being solved, or why 
our current system fails to meet these goals and needs drastic changes.
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