Woohoo! Great.
dev-platform mailing list
On Monday, 6 May 2013 07:27:41 UTC+2, p.kraut...@gmail.com wrote:
> Microsoft indeed remains a mystery.
Not so much when it comes to Microsoft Office:
dev-platform mailing list
it might be a little bit early considering that XP hasn't reached its EOL yet
and probably even then will be far from being out-of-favor enough, but I was
wondering whether once the time has come it's also time to move away from all
GDI code paths concerning font rendering on Windows
Me commenting on a blog post concerning PGO:
> You forgot to mention that you need a lot of memory! A problem the for example
> the Firefox developers ran into. The compiler/linker ran out of virtual
> memory when doing the 32-bit releases (and cross-compiling from the 64-bit
> compiler sadly still
How separate the analysis phase from the optimization based on the collected
data? How are the results of the PGO runs stored? Can the optimization part be
run independently? If yes would it be possible to collect the data through
other means, let's say by doing a x86-64 build or only statically
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