Fission Milestone 4 is focused on getting all mochitests running and passing with Fission enabled. The deadline for the end of this milestone is October 31st, approximately one month from today, and we still have a significant amount of work to do, with about 350 mochitests skipped and about 100 running but failing under Fission.

This is a high priority goal for the entire organization, which means that everyone is responsible for getting the tests that they maintain to pass. The DOM Fission team is available to help and to answer questions (you can find us in #domfission on IRC and #fission on Slack), but ultimately every team is responsible for its own tests.

You can check how many tests from your components are currently skipped or failing in the Are We Fission Yet dashboard:

And you can get a more detailed lists of specific tests in our tracking spreadsheet‡:

There are also some basic tips for making tests Fission-compatible on the wiki: and in-tree docs with more details about working with Fission in non-test code: For any questions not answered there, please reach out to the Fission team, and we will answer them as best we can.

Fission mochitests have been running on tier 2 for about a month now. We believe at this point that they are stable enough to run on every check-in, so in the month leading up to our deadline, they are moving to tier 1. Any check-in which causes a new M-fis failure will immediately be backed out, as will any patch which adds a new `skip-if` or `fail-if` annotation for Fission mode without approval from a member of the Fission team.

I also want to particularly thank Brian Grinstead for putting together the Are We Fission Yet dashboards, and Geoff Brown and Andrew Halberstadt for helping us get the data that we need to generate the dashboards and spreadsheets from treeherder.

† With some exceptions for tests of features which still require major platform work to become Fission compatible, and are in the M5 milestone. Moving tests to a later milestone requires approval from Project Fission management, and exceedingly strong justification.

‡ Only accessible to Mozilla staff. A read-only version is viewable at
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