tl;dr - If you update a test harness pref in build/, please also update it in testing/profiles/prefs_general.js. This is temporary and I am working to remove the location in bug 830430[1]


Currently prefs that are common to our test harnesses are hardcoded in a string of Javascript inside of This is bad for many reasons:

1) It isn't obvious to find - as a result prefs for various harnesses have been littered throughout the tree 2) Most of the newer harnesses don't use - these have no way of taking advantage of these prefs and must duplicate them 3) Storing Javascript in a python string and writing to a file is just yucky in general - it should start out in a js file

Instead we have decided to create a single canonical directory that will store all prefs (and other profile information). This location is testing/profiles.

So, if you update a test harness pref in build/, please also update it in testing/profiles/prefs_general.js. Having two locations for prefs is bad, and I'm working to remove the location in bug 830430[1]. I'll make sure the two locations are in sync before doing so.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions feel free to contact me or post in the bug.



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