On 20/06/12 17:34, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> Ugh, you're right; I forgot about /etc/hosts and WINS names.
> There might be something clever we can do to detect these, but I'm not
> sure what it would be offhand; the operating system APIs I know about
> are deliberately designed to hide the details of where the names come
> from :-(

So our current thought is that we can't technically do anything about
this? But our options may change when we acquire our own DNS resolver?

>> Can we tell those calls not to do their own suffix search before
>> they return their answer?
> Yes, we just stick an extra dot on the end before calling getaddrinfo.

And we'd have to find the source of suffixes on each OS so we could
reimplement this functionality.

> It's certainly possible, e.g. http://example.cc/ where `cc` is both a
> real TLD and an internal subdomain.

I suspect few businesses use existing real TLDs as their external
subdomains. However, I also suspect quite a few use future TLDs! There
are lots of short TLAs, e.g. ".aco", ".ads" - I bet there are many
businesses with 3 or 4-letter initials who use them. And I bet a load
use ".corp" (6 applicants) and ".inc" (11 applicants).

> I confess I see this as another argument for disabling suffix search
> altogether.  It breaks *more*, but we get a substantial reduction in
> context-dependence of URLs in exchange.

I really don't think breaking people's existing DNS resolution
configuration, and making Firefox inconsistent with all other apps on
the machine, is a goer. Unless someone from the networking team wants to
assert we should look into it...

> Which we could collect: instrument the DNS resolver to tell us when the
> result we got was from suffix search, count the number of times it
> happens, report via Telemetry (we don't record the names, so this should
> be plenty anonymous).  Algorithm for telling:
>   rA = getaddrinfo(name + ".");
>   if (rA) return rA;
>   rB = getaddrinfo(name);
>   if (rB)
>       suffix_search++;
>   return rB;
> No additional overhead in the non-suffix-search case.

What figures would make the change acceptable? 1%? 0.1%? 0.0001%?

I suspect some users will never use this feature, and some will use it a
lot (probably without knowing that they are using it).

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