Duane wrote:
> Gervase Markham wrote:
> > The second half of your sentence contradicts the first. If the cost of
> > doing business is raised, it will deter. The higher the raise, the
> > greater the deterrent.
> There is no way you can raise the bar high enough to outweigh the scams
> while still allowing existing businesses to be able to afford it as
> well, and that is the crux of the issue, and why phone spam and other
> social problems exist and will continue to exist until you can work out
> a way to allow businesses to exist, but make it
> > Have you actually read the draft? This is not a "fax in your letterhead"
> > system.
> *Sigh* as usual, missing the point, and just picking on one aspect of my
> points...
> > Don't "pet name tool bars etc" require education to use also?
> The level of education is minimal as they take the approach to make
> things intuitive that if you do X and Y occurs, there is a problem.
> Compared to existing education programmes by banks and the like that if
> X, Y, Z and some other factors exist, there may or may not be a problem.
> > A potential advantage of EV if all the browsers adopt it is that
> > browsers, CAs, financial and other secure sites and consumer advocacy
> > groups can have a single, simple consistent message for users. This
> > makes it more likely that they'll actually pay attention.
> *yawn* ho hum, this won't do anything for security, it will do something
> for Verisign's bank balance however, at least by those that buy into it,
> and it could be a pretty big uphill battle of getting buy in from small
> merchants and the like, although I'm sure they aren't Verisign's target
> market with all this.
> And yes I am picking on Verisign as they are the ones most vocal for this.
> Ian and others were pushing for UI changes for years to add CA branding,
> but of course he wasn't taken seriously... After all how do you really
> punish a CA if the end users don't know who or what you are doing...
> While you are pushing this particular variation of snake oil, and
> claiming if someone sees ebay drop from green to yellow, all panic will
> occur and a break down in society, it's been proven time and time again
> that users click through dialog boxes and they won't care if goes pink
> with purple polka dots.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Duane
> http://www.cacert.org - Free Security Certificates
> http://www.nodedb.com - Think globally, network locally
> http://www.sydneywireless.com - Telecommunications Freedom
> http://e164.org - Because e164.arpa is a tax on VoIP
> "In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
>     but the optimist has a better time on the trip."

Hi Everyone

My name is Melih, i am the CEO/Chief Security Architect of Comodo (guys
who give Verisign run for their money :))

I don't want to intrude as you all are doing an excellent job in asking
the right questions to Gerv :-)

However, there might be questions that you may want to ask directly to
a Certification Authority.

So pls feel free to ask any questions on the subject so that I can shed
light from Certification Authority point of view...


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