Hi Kathleen,

The problem was indeed only with the test certificates, as no other 
certificates have issued from the roots in question. The certificate profiles 
in use have been modified to avoid this occurring in future.

Kind regards,

Douglas Skirving
Chain Administrator PKIoverheid
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: dev-security-policy 
 Namens Kathleen Wilson
Verzonden: donderdag 13 november 2014 22:52
Aan: mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
Onderwerp: Re: Staat der Nederlanden Root Renewal Request

On 11/10/14, 8:18 AM, Skirving, D. (Douglas) - Logius wrote:
> Hereby we would like to inform you that the test certificates relating to the 
> Staat der Nederlanden Root Renewal Request have been revoked and reissued 
> with the appropriate SAN extension.
> The certificates are available at
> https://roottest-g3.pkioverheid.nl
> and
> https://pkioevssl-v.quovadisglobal.com
> The OCSP responder at ocsp.quovadisglobal.com now returns HTTP headers in the 
> correct format.
> We trust this addresses the concerns raised and removes any blocking issues.
> Kind regards,
> Douglas Skirving
> Chain Administrator PKIoverheid
> ........................................................................


Was the problem only with the test certificates?

Did you check to make sure the problem isn't happening for other certificates?


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