在 2016年9月7日星期三 UTC+8下午6:08:33,Richard Wang写道:
> Hi Gerv, Kathleen and Richard,
> This discuss has been lasting two weeks, I think it is time to end it, it 
> doesn’t worth to waste everybody’s precious time.
> I make my confession that our system and management do have some problems 
> which lead to the misissuance of some certificates. And I am very sorry that 
> WoSign don’t notify all browsers after the incident happened and even after 
> the problem fixed.
> I’d like to give my suggestion action for Mozilla as below:
> 1. Mozilla will trust those SSL certificates only:
>     (1) The certificate notBefore date is before Jan. 1st 2015;
>     (2) The certificate notBefore date is from Jan. 1st 2015 to July 4th 2016 
> that listed in the Google CT log server;
>     (3) The certificate notBefore date is from July 5th 2016 to Sept xx 2016 
> that embedded SCT data in the certificate;
>     (4) The certificate notBefore date is from Sept xx 2016 that embedded SCT 
> data in the certificate and must have the “C=CN” in the certificate subject.
> 2. Mozilla can assign a WebTrust auditor to WoSign office to check and 
> inspect every incident, check every relevant issued certificate, and record a 
> report with:  what happened, why this happened and what is being done to 
> prevent this in the future etc., WoSign will pay the audit cost.
> I’d like to make some supplements about 1. (4) above, this term means WoSign 
> will only issue SSL certificates to China subscribers. 
> WoSign issued about 120K SSL certificates for websites in China including 
> many central government websites like MIIT and many other local province 
> government websites, many university websites, many online banking websites, 
> 6 of the Top 10 ecommerce websites, big supermarket online store like 
> Walmart, 4 of the Top 5 cloud service in China, and many big companies that 
> listed in NYSE and Nasdaq, and many subsidiaries of foreign countries big 
> companies. 

Richard,I check the  top 10 e-commerce websites in China, ONLY suning.com and 
yhd.com are your subscribers; and ZERO of the top 5 cloud service companies in 
China use WoSign.

I have reason to doubt the authenticity of the data you provided. 

there is the top 10 e-commerce websites in China:

the top 5 cloud service companies in China:

> Those customers like to use WoSign certificate especially our support of 
> Chinese, local support and customer service. And some of them paid up to 
> 10-year certificate fee in advance, we need to renew their certificate for 
> free once it is about to expire at every three years for OV SSL.
> I wish Mozilla could accept my suggestion, and I am sure WoSign will do it 
> better after getting this so big lesson. 
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Richard Wang
> WoSign CA Limited
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev-security-policy 
> [mailto:dev-security-policy-bounces+richard=wosign....@lists.mozilla.org] On 
> Behalf Of Richard Wang
> Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2016 5:49 PM
> To: Gervase Markham <g...@mozilla.org>; 
> mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
> Subject: RE: Incidents involving the CA WoSign
> Hi all,
> We finished the investigation and released the incidents report today: 
> https://www.wosign.com/report/wosign_incidents_report_09042016.pdf 
> This report has 20 pages, please let me if you still have any questions, 
> thanks.
> This report is just for Incident 0-2, we will release a separate report for 
> another incident X soon.
> Best Regards,
> Richard Wang
> WoSign CA Limited
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gervase Markham [mailto:g...@mozilla.org] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 9:08 PM
> To: mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
> Cc: Richard Wang <rich...@wosign.com>
> Subject: Incidents involving the CA WoSign
> Dear m.d.s.policy,
> Several incidents have come to our attention involving the CA "WoSign".
> Mozilla is considering what action it should take in response to these 
> incidents. This email sets out our understanding of the situation.
> Before we begin, we note that Section 1 of the Mozilla CA Certificate 
> Enforcement Policy[0] says: "When a serious security concern is noticed, such 
> as a major root compromise, it should be treated as a security-sensitive bug, 
> and the Mozilla Policy for Handling Security Bugs should be followed." It is 
> clear to us, and appears to be clear to other CAs based on their actions, 
> that misissuances where domain control checks have failed fall into the 
> category of "serious security concern".
> Incident 0
> ----------
> On or around April 23rd, 2015, WoSign's certificate issuance system for their 
> free certificates allowed the applicant to choose any port for validation. 
> Once validation had been completed, WoSign would issue certificates for that 
> domain. A researcher was able to obtain a certificate for a university by 
> opening a high-numbered port (>50,000) and getting WoSign to use that port 
> for validation of control.
> This problem was reported to Google, and thence to WoSign and resolved.
> Mozilla only became aware of it recently.
> * Before the recent passage of Ballot 169 in the CAB Forum, which limits the 
> ports and paths which can be used, the Baseline Requirements said that one 
> acceptable method of domain validation was "Having the Applicant demonstrate 
> practical control over the FQDN by making an agreed‐upon change to 
> information found on an online Web page identified by a uniform resource 
> identifier containing the FQDN". This method therefore did not violate the 
> letter of the BRs. However, Mozilla considers the basic security knowledge 
> that ports over 1024 are unprivileged should have led all CAs not to accept 
> validations of domain control on such ports, even when not documented in the 
> BRs.
> * The misissuance incident was not reported to Mozilla by WoSign as it should 
> have been (see above).
> * This misissuance incident did not turn up on WoSign's subsequent BR 
> audit[1].
> Incident 1
> ----------
> In June 2015, an applicant found a problem with WoSign's free certificate 
> service, which allowed them to get a certificate for the base domain if they 
> were able to prove control of a subdomain.
> The reporter proved the problem in two ways. They accidentally discovered it 
> when trying to get a certificate for med.ucf.edu and mistakenly also applied 
> for www.ucf.edu, which was approved. They then confirmed the problem by using 
> their control of theiraccount.github.com/theiraccount.github.io to get a cert 
> for github.com, github.io, and www.github.io.
> They reported this to WoSign, giving only the Github certificate as an 
> example. That cert was revoked and the vulnerability was fixed. However 
> recently, they got in touch with Google to note that the ucf.edu cert still 
> had not been revoked almost a year later.
> * The lack of revocation of the ucf.edu certificate (still unrevoked at time 
> of writing, although it may have been by time of posting) strongly suggests 
> that WoSign either did not or could not search their issuance databases for 
> other occurrences of the same problem. Mozilla considers such a search a 
> basic part of the response to disclosure of a vulnerability which causes 
> misissuance, and expects CAs to keep records detailed enough to make it 
> possible.
> * This misissuance incident was not reported to Mozilla by WoSign as it 
> should have been (see above).
> * This misissuance incident did not turn up on WoSign's subsequent BR 
> audit[1].
> Incident 2
> ----------
> In July 2016, it became clear that there was some problems with the 
> StartEncrypt automatic issuance service recently deployed by the CA StartCom. 
> As well as other problems it had, which are outside the scope of this 
> discussion, changing a simple API parameter in the POST request on the 
> submission page changed the root certificate to which the resulting 
> certificate chained up. The value "2" made a certificate signed by "StartCom 
> Class 1 DV Server CA", "1" selected "WoSign CA Free SSL Certificate G2" and 
> "0" selected "CA 沃通根证书", another root certificate owned by WoSign and trusted 
> by Firefox.
> Using the value "1" led to a certificate which had a notBefore date (usage 
> start date) of 20th December 2015, and which was signed using the
> SHA-1 checksum algorithm.
> * The issuance of certificates using SHA-1 has been banned by the Baseline 
> Requirements since January 1st, 2016. Browsers, including Firefox, planned to 
> enforce this[2] by not trusting certs with a notBefore date after that date, 
> but in the case of Firefox the fix had to be backed out due to web 
> compatibility issues. However, we are considering how/when to reintroduce it, 
> and CAs presumably know this.
> * The issuance of backdated certificates is not forbidden, but is listed in 
> Mozilla's list of Problematic Practices[3]. It says "Minor tweaking for 
> technical compatibility reasons is accepted, but backdating certificates in 
> order to avoid some deadline or code-enforced restriction is not."
> * WoSign deny that their code backdated the certificates in order to avoid 
> browser-based restrictions - they say "this date is the day we stop to use 
> this code"[4]. If that is true, it is not clear to us how StartCom came to 
> deploy WoSign code that WoSign itself had abandoned.
> * It seems clear from publicly available information that StartCom's issuance 
> systems are linked to WoSign's issuance systems in some way.
> Nevertheless, it should not have been possible for an application for a cert 
> from StartCom to produce a cert signed by WoSign.
> * This misissuance incident was not reported to Mozilla by WoSign as it 
> should have been.
> Taking into account all these incidents and the actions of this CA, Mozilla 
> is considering what action to take. Your input is welcomed.
> Gerv, Kathleen and Richard
> [0]
> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/security-group/certs/policy/enforcement/
> [1] https://cert.webtrust.org/SealFile?seal=2019&file=pdf
> [2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=942515
> [3]
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:Problematic_Practices#Backdating_the_notBefore_date
> [4] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1293366
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