While this is a technical discussion, it's important to note that a decision 
made here *will* have consequences on real people, which adds an essential 
moral component.

Kazakhstan is a nation state known for its poor human rights record. 
Journalists critical of the government have been prosecuted, minorities were 
attacked with little legal repercussions, and citizens are intimidate for their 
voting choices. This isn't an issue of casual loss of privacy. Information 
collected by the government through the use of this certificate will be used to 
prosecute real people.
dev-security-policy mailing list
  • Re: Nation State MITM CA'... starosekpd--- via dev-security-policy
    • Re: Nation State MIT... Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
      • Re: Nation State... Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
        • Re: Nation S... Matthew Hardeman via dev-security-policy
          • Re: Nati... Andrew via dev-security-policy
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