I posted the following message in the mozilla.governance forum.

If you would like, please feel free to comment here in m.d.s.p.

- Wayne

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wayne Thayer <wtha...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 11:11 AM
Subject: Proposal for New CA Certificate Policy Module Owner
To: <governa...@lists.mozilla.org>

I’d like to propose making Kathleen Wilson the new owner of the “CA
Certificate Policy” module. Since leaving my job at Mozilla in January I
have continued to provide oversight for this module, and I intend to remain
involved in the future. However, given my diminished focus on this
important work, I believe now is a good time to transition the
responsibility for this module back to Kathleen.

As an emeritus owner of this module, owner of the CA Certificates module,
and long-time member of this community, Kathleen's qualifications speak for
themselves. For reference, Kathleen became CA Certificates Module owner and
CA Certificate Policy peer in August 2010 [1] and CA Certificate Policy
Module owner in January 2012 [2]. She led the updates to the following
versions of Mozilla Root Store Policy [3]: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2. Kathleen has been
writing and maintaining CA program wiki pages since 2010. [4]

There are two modules related to Mozilla’s CA Program which govern the
default set of certificates in Network Security Services (NSS) and
distributed in Mozilla’s software products. They are:

1) Mozilla CA Certificate Policy [5]
Description: Definition and enforcement of policies governing Certification
Authorities, their root certificates included in Mozilla software products,
and intermediate and end-entity certificates within those CA hierarchies.
Current Owner: Wayne Thayer -- Proposed Owner: Kathleen Wilson
Current Peer(s): Kathleen Wilson -- Proposed Peer: Wayne Thayer

2) CA Certificates [6]
Description: Determine which root certificates should be included in
Mozilla software products, which trust bits should be set on them, and
which of them should be enabled for EV treatment. Evaluate requests from
Certification Authorities (CAs) for inclusion or removal of root
certificates, and for updating trust bit settings or enabling EV treatment
for already included root certificates.
Owner: Kathleen Wilson  -- no change
Peer(s): Ryan Sleevi, Wayne Thayer -- no change



[3] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Root_Store_Policy_Archive
[5] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Modules/All#Mozilla_CA_Certificate_Policy
[6] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Modules/All#CA_Certificates
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