On Fri, 17 May 2019 21:11:41 +0000
Doug Beattie via dev-security-policy
<dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> Today our post issuance checker notified us of 4 certificates were
> issued with invalid CN values this afternoon.
> We posted our incident report here:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1552586

Thanks Doug,

I have two questions that seem relevant to this incident, because it
is reminiscent of problems we had with the sprawl of issuance systems
under Symantec

1. I have examined one of the certificates and I see it contains a bogus
SAN dnsName matching the CN. Please let us know which constraints that
should be in place weren't in place for this API, for example could the
customer have successfully obtained a certificate for a FQDN which has
CAA policy saying GlobalSign should not issue ?

2. The API is described as "deprecated" but I'd like more details to
understand what that means from a practical standpoint. A subscriber
was able (and by the sound of things continues to be able) to cause
issuance through this API - was there already a specific date after
which GlobalSign had announced (to such customers) that the API would
cease availability? Is an equivalent, but so far as you understand
compliant, replacement API for these customers already available ? How
should a GlobalSign customer have known this API (or software using it)
was deprecated and when they needed to stop using it?

"In coordination with the customer, we are assured that no more
non-compliant certificates will be issued" certainly reads to me like
you know this API could issue more non-compliant certs right now, but
you're content to let a subscriber pinky swear not to do so. I don't
think that's what Mozilla has in mind with the phrase "a pledge to the
community" but perhaps Wayne disagrees.

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