Hi all,

The Mozilla root store policy has not been updated since July 2013 - 3.5
years ago. We are now on the verge of shipping version 2.3, which
contains some edits which have been pending for more than a year, agreed
during the last period of policy update activity. That version will be
applicable immediately. The goal of version 2.4 is to do any updates
which are either urgent, or relatively uncontroversial and
self-contained, so we can ship another version soon which deals with
much of the backlog and out-of-dateness. This will hopefully give us the
breathing space to look at the tougher and more widely-scoped issues
over a longer timescale.

Therefore, further to the process outlined here:
I want to kick off some discussions about changes which potentially
might make it into the next version of our root store policy, version
2.4 - i.e. ones which are currently triaged as targetting 2.4. If a
particular update balloons into a complex discussion, we may decide to
postpone it.

Here is policy version 2.3, the base version we will be working from:

Policy update proposals are now tracked in Github. Those proposals _not_
currently targetted at 2.4 are here:

If you think any of them should be targetted at 2.4, please make the
case in the thread attached to this message. Remember to explain how the
change is either "urgent" or "relatively uncontroversial and

I will start new individual message threads for the update proposals
which are currently targetted for 2.4, on a staggered basis. The full
list of those is here:
There are currently 17 of them. Let's try and keep discussion on the
mailing list, and put the results back in Github, and see how that goes
as a work mode. We will be operating on a "silence is consent" model -
if there is no discussion of or dissent against a change and I think
it's a good idea, it's going in.

Mozilla employee interactions may be reduced a little bit next week as
it's the Mozilla 6-monthly get-together. But hopefully they will pick up
after that, and beyond Christmas.

dev-security-policy mailing list

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