> A collision in a widely used cryptographic hash would be a major, 
> publishable security advance.

That's true for SHA-256 itself.  But I ran the numbers, and it turns out brute 
force search for a collision on a 128-bit hash (even with no algorithmic 
weakness) is feasible.  I wrote more on the GitHub ticket.

I think the per-session random secret would fix this issue, but I will think 
about it more.  And it will slow things down at least some.

(cc:ing some people I discussed this with on IRC)

> As an added note, looks like Skylake is going to have SHA instructions 

Yeah, that's one reason to pursue this approach.  If we can access crypto 
accelerators on mobile, it might be an even bigger win there.  We could even 
support SHA interning alongside table-based interning, and select one based on 
the availability of crypto acceleration.

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