Hi folks! https://github.com/servo/servo/pull/14962/ finally merged last night and I'm pretty jazzed about that, but it also included a commit which exposes some instability in the WebGL conformance tests. For the next few days, don't be surprised if some new intermittent timeouts appear in tests under web-platform-tests/webgl/ - before this change, there was no way to tell if the tests actually ran to completion or not, and now there is.

For those interested in learning more, take a look at https://github.com/servo/servo/pull/14962/commits/e99cba66f76222e1d227bf9154259e6c440b7a88 .. There are a bunch of WebGL tests that can end up exceeding the WPT harness timeout intermittently, hence new issues appearing like https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/15705 . The key indicator in the log is "NOTRUN [expected PASS] Overall test".

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