Hello Servo devs,

We are a team trying to implement the current Rust WebSocket project in to
servo, and we have run in to a bit of a problem. Rust Websocket 0.10.5
(current version) relies on Hyper 0.3.0. Unfortunately, Hyper 0.3.0 relies
on some modules in Rust that don't seem to be present in the current servo
rust version. One, for example, is std::net::SocketAddr, another is
std::marker::PhantomData. Before we attempted to upgrade the version of
Rust that servo is using, however, we were advised to contact the list and
see if you all had any advice or help with getting hyper 0.3.0 to compile
in the current servo build.

Thanks so much!
William Galliher
dev-servo mailing list

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