Courtesy of Rick Byers on the Blink team, we now have

(based on

Clear sources of bias in the results that Rick pointed out:
"Obviously this is just looking at page load. No surprise that lots of the WebAudio or other interaction APIs aren't reported as used for example.

Some sites enumerate all properties of some objects triggering getter counters (for a in window ...) - eg. the rarer properties on UIEvent are known to be virtually impossible to measure for this reason

Obviously it's not uncommon for some of the less widely supported APIs to be used only after feature detection (often we succeed in removing a webkit-prefixed API with reported high usage after an httparchive search suggests that most usage will fall back to the non-prefixed version when the prefixed one isn't available)."

I'm going to start digging through these results today. Let me know if you have any questions you'd like answered!

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