robert dugal wrote:
> I want to configure Firefox 1.5 to use my own PKCS11 provider as the
> default for all algorithms supported by my provider.  I cannot appear to
> do this from the "Device Manager" dialog as that dialog has no way to
> set specify which algorithms should default to my library. The NSS
> utility modutil has the ability to install the p11 provider and
> configure which algorithms are default. Unfortunately modutil is not
> distributed with Firefox. When I got the v1.5 source tarball modutil
> source is there but I cannot get it to build. I tried several different
> binary releases NSS (3.9, 3.10,3.11) but in all cases modutil only
> allows specifying some algorithms as the default mechanisms. AES is not
> one of these so the internal NSS provider always ends up being the default.

You found a bug!  AES wasn't added to modutil when it was added to
everything else in NSS.  Please file a bug about this in, product NSS, component tools.  And CC me in the
bug report.  (Remove NO and SPAM from my email  address to get the real one)

> Is there any other way to configure my provider as the default?

Are you sure that's really what you want to do?
Does your module implement all the SSL-related PKCS#11 mechanisms?
If not, it may be necessary to move keys from one module to another,
which is typically quite costly (in terms of performance).

Nelson B
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