So I've been searching for a way to create a file, sign it, and then 
distribute it to my Firefox extension.  Then, verify the integrity of 
that file before the extension acts on its contents.

I found nsICMSSecureMessage which appeared to be the only scriptable 
component that I could make use of that was in any way related to 
digital signatures and the like.  So I came up with this:

$ cat doc
This is a test document.  I will sign it.  It is safe.
$ cmsutil -S -N signtest < doc > doc.signed
$ cmsutil -D -n -i doc.signed
$ # copy doc.signed to doc.signed2, tamper with doc.signed2 here
$ cmsutil -D -n -i doc.signed2
signer 0 status = DigestMismatch
cmsutil: problem decoding: Signature verification failed: no signer 
found, too many signers found, or improper or corrupted data.

I believe I now have a valid signed CMS document.  I screwed with 
"signed2", editing the plaintext in the middle to say "EVIL" instead of 
"safe".  And cmsutil told me that the signature was, as a result, invalid.

Then, in Firefox javascript:

var doc64="MIA...AAA"; // base64 coded version of "doc.signed"
var docInvalid64="MIA...AAA";  // base64 coded version of "doc.signed2"
var secureMessage=Components.classes[";1"]
try {
        var doc=secureMessage.receiveMessage(doc64);
} catch (e) {   
        alert("receive message error:\n"+e);
try {
        var doc=secureMessage.receiveMessage(docInvalid64);
} catch (e) {   
        alert("receive message error:\n"+e);

It alerts the two documents, including the one that was tampered with. 
Apparently, that call will strip off the signature, but not verify it.

Can I tweak this to make it work?  If not, is there any method that I 
have missed to:

* Create a document
* Digitally sign it
* Verify that signature, in a Firefox extension, in Javascript

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