i would like to create a reworked settings.html to experiment with the abilities and limitations of the current webapi, but i need some hints for the cornerstones.

background: while reading about the lxle distribution i saw they lack a rework of the discontinued lxde control panel to have more options for the desktop environment like changing the soundserver for example.


since there are a lot of desktop environments lacking a good control panel and i already wanted to start experimenting with xulrunner or graphene i thought such a project would be nice for

- easier configuration in lightweight (or any) environments

- add missing configuration options (gnome's control panel for example is intentionally stripped down for usability reasons, requiring the user to work with several other tools too, like gnome-tweak-tool)

- testing the environment (platform, root window, window manager, etc.) and automatically adjusting the control panel (and settings api for other webapps) to the current configuration. having a modular system somewhere around the gecko-hal would be great.

- having (signed) add-ons would be a great deal to extend the control panel with more specific advanced settings – and eliminate the problem that users often need to copy a bunch of lines of bash code into a root terminal (which they probably don't understand)

- thinking of webvr or 3d in general, we could model virtual devices with indicators, knobs and switches and have the design of the object itself explain its functionality (and i totally would like to work with webvr, btw)

- reworking the design of the webapi, where it has limitations in this issue

particularly there is one example (where i would try to start): since many years, firefox on desktop offers the possibility to set the desktop wallpaper via the context menu of images. this is a platform dependent feature, which requires support by the browser vendor for the specific operating system or desktop environment (or file manager used, in case of lxde). having a settings architecture somehow outsourced from the gecko-hal and modularly designed, this could cover an indefinite number of platforms and desktop environments (at least if someone writes an add-on implementing a settings engine for this). any webapp would then be able to access settings of the users environment, without maintaining all of the specifics inside mozilla's codebase.

thinking of uncountable other configuration options, many of them only available to certain platforms, it is unlikely to cover them all individually within the webapi. maintaining a single huge permissions table for all possible configurations probably is also not desired. a settings engine could bundle a set of structured keywords for an environment with a corresponding permission table. e.g. "appeareance.desktop.wallpaper.position" (which is fine for desktops but not an option on android)

another example: webapps should be able to access the network configuration, be it settings.html or any third-party app. when a user on linux has wicd instead of network-manager, some webapps may break. but, because we want to use webstandards for a reason, no one should be required to use gonk for that particular app to work (unless, of course, the user's platform does not support that feature). so, if the stock settings engine does not know about how to talk with wicd, an add-on (being shipped with wicd or via marketplace) may do the job.

for the practical part i am still uncertain about the implementation. thinking of lxle, which ships seamonkey by default, i would reuse its gecko-runtime, but it has no -app switch like firefox. on the other hand it (or a build target of it) should still work as settings.html replacement on b2g.
are there reasons to require graphene?

can someone point me to the right direction? i would like to minimize the compatibility issues between seamonkey, firefox and b2g. are there any examples how to maintain a webapp that work on these targets (without needing any xul)?

greetings, stefan.
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