> Can I get information about SAR for kannel WAPgw.
> There is exists at least 1 SAR implementation (can be found on the list
> as patch).
> I think Kannel must support SAR. So why this patch don't applied to CVS.
> How it can be quicken? If there is another SAR implementation
> (I heard about it, but didn't see it) why it is not applied to CVS?

The "other" SAR patch is property of Wapme and it takes time to make
that "free" and combine the patches. Anyway, I have the latest public
SAR patch available and will apply it. 

What I wanted (and most of the developers agreed with that roadmap) is
to release 1.2.1 before starting the patch orgy. It's not only SAR
that is pending, smsbox routing is too and various other patches.


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