
The company that provides my company with access to their EMI2 SMSC recently required us to set the DCS to 245 so that WAP-Push messages would be properly relayed to the mobile phone providers to which they route. After some searching in the kannel source code I found out that there's a not quite well-documented configuration parameter 'alt-dcs' for smsc groups to set an alternative DCS (it does appear in the latest documentation, but not in the context of smsc groups).

Anyway, when you use this to set an alternative DCS, and the value provided is greater than 1, it is set to 1. But in my case, I need to set a DCS of 245, so I simply removed this alt-dcs normalization code:

diff -Nur --exclude=CVS gateway/gw/smsc/smsc.c gateway.alt-dcs/gw/smsc/smsc.c
--- gateway/gw/smsc/smsc.c Thu Feb 26 16:07:30 2004
+++ gateway.alt-dcs/gw/smsc/smsc.c Fri Aug 6 11:04:37 2004
@@ -509,8 +509,6 @@

     if (cfg_get_integer(&alt_dcs, grp, octstr_imm("alt-dcs")) == -1)
        alt_dcs = 0;
-    if (alt_dcs > 1)
-        alt_dcs = 1;

if (cfg_get_integer(&ois_debug, grp, octstr_imm("ois-debug-level")) == -1)
ois_debug = 0;

Since the alt-dcs doesn't seem to be needed really often, I suggest to give the user the greatest flexibility _when_ it is needed.

Andreas Krennmair

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