Hi All,
I am having problems with PPG.
Following is the explanation told to me by MMSC Vendor
PPG is not sending the response back in proper format.
PPG accepts the data in some format other than what has been defined in the WAP PPG specs.
The pi dispatcher of mmsc expects a 200 OK response back along
with a message-ID, as defined in the WAP specs
I have made the following config for ppg
group = ppg
ppg-url = "">ppg-port = 8080
concurrent-pushes = 100
users = 1024
ppg-allow-ip =
ppg-deny-ip =;
trusted-pi = true
group = wap-push-user
wap-push-user = foo
ppg-username = foo
ppg-password = bar
allow-ip =
Following is the ppg log of sms gw.
2003-03-27 16:49:18 [11] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for `'.
2003-03-27 16:49:18 [14] INFO: PPG: Accept request </wappush> from <>
2003-03-27 16:49:18 [14] WARNING: erroneous control entity
2003-03-27 16:49:18 [14] DEBUG: PPG: send_bad_message_response: telling pi
2003-03-27 16:49:18 [14] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area 0x81575e0.
2003-03-27 16:49:18 [14] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for `'.
2003-03-27 16:49:18 [14] WARNING: PPG: unable to parse mime content, the request unacceptable
Following is the mmsc application pi dispatcher log 
27-02-2003 02:51:09 PI dispatcher details
27-02-2003 02:51:09 Ppg-Adr     []
27-02-2003 02:51:09 App-Id      [7777]
27-02-2003 02:51:09 Priority    [2]
27-02-2003 02:51:09 Push-Type   [2]
27-02-2003 02:51:09 Dest-Addr   [+123456789/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
27-02-2003 02:51:09 Ser-Type    [3]
27-02-2003 02:51:09 Bear-Type   [1]
27-02-2003 02:51:12 DATA SEND:[POST /wappush HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
User-Agent: Jataayu MMS Dispatcher
Accept: text/html
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=jataayupi; type="application/xml"
Content-Length: 737
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE pap PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD PAP 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/pap_1.0.dtd">
<push-message push-id="235http://
4" source-reference="7777" >
<address address-value="WAPPUSH=+123456789/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
<quality-of-service priority="medium" delivery-method="unconfirmed" bearer="sms"/>
X-Wap-Application-Id: x-wap-application:mms.ua
Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
27-02-2003 02:51:12 http response received  [202]
27-02-2003 02:51:12 push id field is null in received data pi_header.c.152
27-02-2003 02:51:12 push response is not in proper format pi_header.c.730
27-02-2003 02:51:12 error in pushing message pi_dispatcher.c.242
27-02-2003 02:51:12 error pushing data to [+123456789/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
27-02-2003 02:51:12 updating database with retry [4] message_id[4GaU4qqd4_01ZZ09ZZ14kyczM4kc3AA9HS
27-02-2003 02:51:13 Reqs_Served[0.0]    Reqs_Failed[0.55]
27-02-2003 02:51:13 checking date for log rotation
27-02-2003 02:51:13 start_date [27] ret[-1]
27-02-2003 02:51:13 Reqs_Served[0.0]    Reqs_Failed[0.55]
27-02-2003 02:51:15 error selecting next row [Successful operation.]  pi_main.c.261
27-02-2003 02:51:15
27-02-2003 02:51:15 PI dispatcher details
27-02-2003 02:51:15 Ppg-Adr     []
27-02-2003 02:51:15 App-Id      [7777]
27-02-2003 02:51:15 Priority    [2]
27-02-2003 02:51:15 Push-Type   [2]
27-02-2003 02:51:15 Dest-Addr   [+123456789/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
27-02-2003 02:51:15 Ser-Type    [3]
27-02-2003 02:51:15 Bear-Type   [1]
27-02-2003 02:51:15 DATA SEND:[POST /wappush HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
User-Agent: Jataayu MMS Dispatcher
Accept: text/html
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=jataayupi; type="application/xml"
Content-Length: 736
Pls. help me to solve the prob.

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