On 2003-04-04 at 10:27:14 [+0200], you wrote:
> the DLR storage is completely internal to Kannel and is not supposed from 
> the outside.
> it is used to track internally messages kannel has sent to SMSC's. The 
> DLR url is a callback mechanism to tell your application the status of 
> the message. You can not ask kannel for the status of a message, you will 
> get informed when the status changes and thats by the DLR URL mechanism.

okay, so we're agreed: dlrurl only makes sense if you don't have access to 
DLR store.

> > ie.
> > if I have a call like this:
> > http://mysmsgateway.com:13013/cgi-bin/ 
> > sendsms?username=****&to=004917878262267&mclass=2&text=hm&password=**** 
> > **
> > validity=1440&dlrmask=2&dlrurl=http://anotherserver.com/cgi-bin/ 
> > dlr_process.cgi?to=004917878262267&test=hm&msg_id=4
> >
> you have to URL encode the URL you put into &dlrurl.
> > I only seem to get the first paramater "to=004917878262267" back.
> right because &test=.. is not part of the parameter &dlrurl anymore.

duh! of course, it's url-encoded but I guess it has to be double-encoded, 
ie. escaped ("=", etc. have to be replaced) otherwise it just counts as a 
further parameters for SMS gateway.


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