#fedora-meeting: ELN (2023-09-08)

Meeting started by sgallagh at 16:00:58 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Init Process  (sgallagh, 16:00:59)

* ELN Packaging Policies  (sgallagh, 16:06:23)
  * Proposal 1: Fedora ELN will follow all published Fedora Packaging
    Guidelines, except where explicitly documented otherwise.
    (sgallagh, 16:16:47)
  * Proposal 2: Exceptions will be decided on by a majority vote of ELN
    SIG members at a regularly-scheduled ELN SIG meeting comprised of a
    quorum of at least five members.  (sgallagh, 16:40:13)
  * Proposal 3: Members who have not attended a regularly-scheduled ELN
    SIG meeting in six months or more will be removed as active members.
    They may re-request membership following the normal process.
    (sgallagh, 16:44:05)
  * AGREED: Proposal 3: Members who have not attended a
    regularly-scheduled ELN SIG meeting in six months or more will be
    removed as active members. They may re-request membership following
    the normal process. (+4, 1, -0)  (sgallagh, 16:53:24)
  * AGREED: Proposal 2: Exceptions will be decided on by a majority vote
    of ELN SIG members at a regularly-scheduled ELN SIG meeting
    comprised of a quorum of at least five members. (+4, 0, -1)
    (sgallagh, 16:57:30)
  * AGREED: Proposal 1: Fedora ELN will follow all published Fedora
    Packaging Guidelines, except where explicitly documented otherwise.
    (+4, 0, 0)  (sgallagh, 17:00:51)
  * Proposal 4: Packaging Guidelines Exception: ELN may opt to bundle
    content more freely than in Rawhide. If we do so, we must follow the
    Fedora bundling policy.  (sgallagh, 17:09:00)
  * Proposal 5: Packaging Guidelines Exception: ELN may opt to exclude
    (or bundle deps of) certain tests if running them would cause
    unwanted dependencies to end up in the RHEL content set.  (sgallagh,
  * Proposal 5v2: Packaging Guidelines Exception: ELN may opt to exclude
    (or preferably bundle deps of) certain tests if running them would
    cause unwanted dependencies to end up in the RHEL content set.
    (sgallagh, 17:13:42)
  * AGREED: Proposal 4: Packaging Guidelines Exception: ELN may opt to
    bundle content more freely than in Rawhide. If we do so, we must
    follow the Fedora bundling policy. (+4, 0, -0)  (sgallagh, 17:16:37)
  * AGREED: Proposal 5v2: Packaging Guidelines Exception: ELN may opt to
    exclude (or preferably bundle deps of) certain tests if running them
    would cause unwanted dependencies to end up in the RHEL content set.
    (+4, 0, -0)  (sgallagh, 17:16:37)
  * Additional Exceptions may be proposed by filing a ticket at
    https://github.com/fedora-eln/eln/issues and will be discussed at
    the next meeting (2023-10-06)  (sgallagh, 17:20:51)

Meeting ended at 17:21:18 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* sgallagh (111)
* Son_Goku (74)
* dcavalca (42)
* yselkowitz (24)
* tdawson (21)
* zodbot (12)

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