This is a report of the weekly KDE-SIG-Meeting with a summary of the 
topics that were discussed. If you want to add a comment please reply
 to this email or add it to the related meeting page.


= Weekly KDE Summary =

Week: 07/2010

Time: 2010-02-16 14:00 UTC

Meeting page:

Meeting minutes:

Meeting log:


= Participants =

*  JaroslavReznik
* KevinKofler
* LukasTinkl
* RexDieter
* SebastianVahl
* StevenParrish
* ThanNgo
* ThomasJanssen
* MaryEllenFoster 


= Agenda =

topics to discuss:
* qtwebkit jit/selinux problem: update? 

recent bugs:
* #565420: akonadi kcm not shown in systemsettings 

= Summary =

qtwebkit jit/selinux problem: update?
* current state is unknown to KDE SIGgers
* we have to contact upstream
* it should be handled for both Qt/Gtk WebKits as both are affected
* jreznik to lead efforts to improve webkit jit/selinux situation 

#565420: akonadi kcm not shown in systemsettings
* with kdepim-runtime-4.4.0, upstream decided to hide the akonadi-related 
* "Users should not need it" is not an explanation
* ltinkl to contactd kdepim upstream about the decision/rationale behind 
hiding akonadi kcm's
  o with prepared use cases! 
* we agreed that we will show the Akonadi KCM in System Settings in Fedora (at 
least for now). 

open discussion
* we will delay decision on what to do with qt-4.6.3 for 2-3 days
* we will have a new de-based mirror for kde repos soon 


= Next Meeting =


Jaroslav Řezník <>
Software Engineer - Base Operating Systems Brno

Office: +420 532 294 275
Mobile: +420 731 455 332
Red Hat, Inc.                     
devel mailing list

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