Hello everyone,

I'm a computer science enginner from France.
I'm in fond of computer science since my childhood.
I discover Linux and Opensource in 2008 when I join the University Institute of 
Technology of Lille.
Since this day, I try a large number of Linux distributions and I very like the 
opensource philosophy.
I now use Fedora as personal use distribution.

Anyway, today I work in Software engineering company and we use RedHat and 
For our needs, we also use the epel repository and we think about contribute to 
this repo.

First we would like to use the rubygem-bundler package from epel6 but at this 
time it is in testing because of the rubygem-thor dependency error
I test rebuild rubygem-thor from fedora21 with epel-6-x86_64 mock profile and 
it works.

I'm in touch with Mo Morsi who is maintainer of rubygem-thor and the builder of 
rubygem-bundler in epel-testing 6.

So I'll send request for commit rights to the 
http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rubygem-thor.git/ and push to the el6 branch.

I hope you now know more about me and I hope I can help you to purpose more and 
maintained packages

Axel Delahaye


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