Thank you for fixing USD build and taking care of openpgl. I will handle both
blender and luxcorerender.
On 2023-02-11 12:04 p.m., Ben Beasley wrote:
There are API changes in Embree 4 that are likely to require source code
changes in dependent packages.
I’ve patched USD to compile with Embre
There are API changes in Embree 4 that are likely to require source code
changes in dependent packages.
I’ve patched USD to compile with Embree 4[2] and kicked off builds in
the side tags[3][4], which I expect to succeed. Since we’re not
currently able to easily run the tests, it’s hard to be
Thank you for the notice.
According to a repoquery:
mock -r fedora-rawhide-x86_64 --enablerepo='*source*' --dnf-cmd --
repoquery --whatrequires '*embree*'
the openpgl package should have been included in the list as well. It
looks like openpgl failed to build in the F38 mass rebuild, but
Hello team,
Embree released version 4.0.0 which contains changes for so. Following
the guideline, this version will get built only for Rawhide and the
incoming Fedora 38 release. Affected packages are:
- blender (done)
- luxcorerender and its python subpackage (done)
- usd-libs (done)
- godot