On 11/29/2012 06:53 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
On 30 November 2012 05:19, Steven Blatnick <steve8tr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I noticed if I do a search from the toolbar and press return, it finds the
word, but focus remains in the search bar.
Isn't there a way to have it automatically set the focus to the text and
then I can use keyboard shortcuts to go from the current instance to the

I think this would be more intuitive:

1. Keyboard shortcut to the search toolbar.
"Switch to searchbar", just add your favourite keybinding, I actually
re-defined <ctrl>f to do this not the dialog.
I did the same thing :-)

2. Type a word.
3. Press enter and get taken to the first word with the focus on it.
The toolbar search searches as you type, so it will highlight the
first match after the current cursor position, you don't need to press
enter, and in fact enter moves to the next match. You do need to
switch focus the first time if you are going to do some editing at the
match point.

4. Use other shortcuts to go from next/previous
The normal next/previous shortcuts apply, and remain in the editor
window, so the focus switch is first fime only.

5. Use the keyboard shortcut again to return to the toolbar to change the
search term.

See 1. above

I did things this way all the time before.  In geany, it looks like I have
to use another shortcut in between?
Well, you want to press enter to get from the searchbar to the edit
window, just use the switch focus instead, as I said the search
happens as you type, so you are already at the right position.


What do you guys think?

No change needed to give the equivalent of your workflow, except that
the keybinding to switch to the editor isn't enter.
Good point. I didn't think of it that way. Personally, I think it still seems a little wonky that it doesn't focus when you hit enter.




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