On 14-02-20 10:54 AM, Colomban Wendling wrote:

Le 19/02/2014 06:23, Flynn Milligan a écrit :
So far as I can tell, you're an acceptable person to contact about this
matter; if not, I'll try to find a better place to submit it.

It's acceptable, but you should rather ask development question on the
devel@lists.geany.org mailing list (that I just CC'd), so any developer
can see, answer and comment ;)

The current fullscreen behaviour, as you know, is to keep the menu bar
and tabs visible when fullscreen mode is activated. It seems to me that
it would be more logical to hide these elements in fullscreen mode. I'm
not well-versed in C, but I'd like to change this. What's the best way
to go about doing so?

As I think Lex already mentioned on IRC, we already have means to hide
some extra elements, they just aren't triggered when entering fullscreen.

But anyway, the way to go is to extend ui_utils.c function
ui_set_fullscreen() to do any additional job needed.

Also, such behavior needs to be configurable -- you find that entering
fullscreen should hide other stuff, but not everyone might agree, so it
should be a setting.

It also needs to be smart enough to record what widgets were visible before entering fullscreen so that when fullscreen is left, it can properly restore the regular widgets.

There should also probably be an "escape hatch" like an item in the editor context menu or somewhere not in the menu/toolbar to exit fullscreen for weird windows managers (maybe windows or odd-ball *nix ones) that don't support the keybinding or it gets re-bound or whatever.

Matthew Brush

Devel mailing list

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