[OMPI devel] collective problems

2007-10-04 Thread David Daniel
Hi Folks, I have been seeing some nasty behaviour in collectives, particularly bcast and reduce. Attached is a reproducer (for bcast). The code will rapidly slow to a crawl (usually interpreted as a hang in real applications) and sometimes gets killed with sigbus or sigterm. I see this w

[OMPI devel] problem in runing MPI job through XGrid

2007-10-04 Thread Jinhui Qin
Hi, I have set up an Xgrid including one laptop and 7 Mac mini nodes (all are duo core machines). I have also installed openMPI (openmpi 1.2.1) on all nodes. The laptop node (hostname: sib) has three roles: agent, controller and client, all the other nodes are only agents. When I started "mpirun -

[OMPI devel] Hybrid examples

2007-10-04 Thread Tobias Hilbrich
Hello, I am a developer of MARMOT (MPI Checker) and currently working on support for MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE programs. Therefore I am looking for test examples which are realy rare. I heard from Matthias Müller that you have a suit of test programs that use MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE. They should be locat