
last week I've rewritten my btl-tcp component to improve several
aspects, mainly no oversubscription of interfaces.
I now have:

   - the MCA parameter btl_tcp_disable_family={4|6}
     to force the use of a special address family at runtime

   - a working include/exclude list for interfaces (broken with
     the old design)

   - the ability to use different address families for different
     directions of communication, so

     ,--------------.                       ,---------------.
     |  Host A      |  ---- IPv4 -------->  |  Host B       |
     |  RFC1918/NAT |                       |  IPv4 public  |
     |  IPv6        |  <--- IPv6 --------   |  IPv6         |
     `--------------'                       `---------------'

And probably something more ;) Yesterday, Thomas Peiselt,
Christian Kauhaus and me (from the Cluster- & Metacomputing Group at the 
University of Jena) also did a first benchmark and we're proud to come
up with very good news:

   IPv6 is not much slower than IPv4.

Latency and bandwidth utilisation behave comparably, resulting
in 111.17 MB/s with IPv4 versus 109.52 MB/s with IPv6 running IMB 2.3 
PingPong over 1GigEthernet (in other words: IPv6 delivered 98.5% of 
the IPv4 bandwidth).

I expect to confirm this tendency (less than 2% performance loss)
by detailed benchmarking next week.

Thomas is going to improve address family selection, so whenever
it's possible, use IPv4 and by this squeeze out the last 1.5%
of bandwidth ;) (my implementation tends to prefer IPv6, but
I guess he'll fix it)

Christian is very interested in testing. We have automatic builds,
a cluster with IPv4/IPv6 and a traffic light turning from green
to red whenever a build/test fails, so he's looking forward
to provide testing facilities to the OMPI project, but I guess
he'll raise his questions (mainly with respect to MTT) in a
separate mail.

I'm going to upload the new btl-tcp component to tmp/adi-ipv6
within the next days, it's currently only a branch in our local
subversion which I'd like to merge before.

mail: a...@thur.de      http://adi.thur.de      PGP: v2-key via keyserver

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