
Thanks to everyone who attended today's meeting. Minutes/logs:

Minutes (text):

Next meeting will be on 2014-09-09 @ 15:00 UTC. Meeting Chair will be Carsten Munk (Stskeeps), although anyone in the community can volunteer to chair as well. Please propose discussion topics at: https://together.jolla.com/question/54157/sailfishos-open-source-collaboration-meeting-planning/ (do not use the PiratePad anymore)

If you propose a topic, it is expected that you show up and present it, or have a substitute participate in the meeting. It is important that you're present at the meeting to guide the discussions in the direction you want, so we do not spend time guessing what kind of info/answers you may be looking for.

NOTE: Propose your topic by Friday 5.9. Any topics added after that will be considered for the following meeting. Carsten will send out meeting invite with confirmed agenda before the meeting.


Carol "cybette" Chen
Community Chief @ Jolla http://jolla.com
 +358403502527  @ SMS,PSTN,WeChat
    cybette     @ FreenodeIRC,Twitter,Weibo,LinkedIn,Skype
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