Hello again,
Today (June 12th) at 13:00 UTC we will publish new installers and
package repositories for our Sailfish OS SDK version Alpha-1406-Qt5.
If you already have an existing Alpha-Qt5 SDK installed you should see
the Updates Available icon in Qt Creator. If you don't have a previous
SDK installation you can get the latest installer from
It is recommended to uninstall the old SDK and download a new installer.
SDK content has been updated to match Jolla Release Please see
below for detailed information of the changed items.
A couple of things you should be aware of:
- As before, in this update the build engine, emulator and targets are
re-installed so you will lose all changes you may have made in those -
however, if your application packaging is done correctly, rebuilding
your projects should reinstall the packages you have been using.
- All customization done to SDK (adding new package repositories, adding
custom targets, additional source paths) will be removed during the
installation process so make your own backup of those before starting
the update.
- If you import existing projects made with a previous version of
theSailfish OS SDK, make sure toselect the correct kit in the project
configuration step. Both ARM and i486 kits are available.
- Windows users need to install VC10 runtime from
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=8328or the
Installer will ask for admin rights during installation.
- Package repository contents have been updated and consequently using a
previous SDK version with these package repositories is not supported.
- Supported host platforms can be found from:
- For more information, please see the SDK Alpha-Qt5 known issues list
at: https://sailfishos.org/wiki/SDK_Alpha_Qt5_Known_Issues.
Here is the summary of changes:
SDK IDE (Qt Creator)
- Syntax highlighting definitions added for spec, yaml, desktop and
changes files.
- In Windows, configuration directory is created under theSDKinstall
path (e.g. C:\SailfishOS\settings\SailfishAlpha4)
- Project path can have whitespace
- Fixed VirtualBox 4.3.12 support in Windows
- In Windows, SDK install path can no longer have whitespace.
- Installer will request Qt Creator to be closed in case it is
runningand if a component requires that Qt Creator is restarted.
- SDK version can be checkedfrom the file sdk-release in the install dir
(e.g. ~/SailfishOS/sdk-release)
SDK Build engine:
- Faster rsync deploy method (skips RPM package check step).
- Deploy the correct RPM package in case package version has been changed.
- i486 target finally creates i486 packages instead of i586 packages.
- Handle Windows CRLF type linefeeds in RPM spec files.
- Build targets refreshed to Jolla release
- Better translation support in libsailfishapp.
- Deployed packages are installed using sdk-deploy-rpm instead of pkcon.
SDK Control Center:
- Package search in target view is now case-insensitive.
- Emulator packages refreshed to Jolla release
- Closing the Emulator window offers now only the power off option.
If you have any questions, feel free toeither send an email to this
mailing list: <mailto:devel@lists.sailfishos.org
<http://mailto:devel@lists.sailfishos.org>> or write it up in
http://together.jolla.com and tag your issue with 'sdk'.
Happy hacking,
Jolla SDK Team.
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