On 16.04.2014 19:52, Nicola De Filippo wrote:
updating the sdk on MacOS i have 2 issue:
1) when the maintenance tool execute/usr/bin/VBoxManage createvm
--name MerSDK --register --basefolder /Users/nicola/SailfishOS/mersdk
and i resolved removing MerSDK.vbox and pressing retry in the dialo
Same for me running kubuntu nor solution so far I tried add the VM manually
afterward since they exist in
emulator/sailfishemu,vdk and mersdk/mersdk.vdk
But that seems not work or I have to tweak alot so I will probadly reinstall
from scratch tomorrow... :/
On Wednesday, April 16
updating the sdk on MacOS i have 2 issue:
1) when the maintenance tool execute /usr/bin/VBoxManage createvm --name MerSDK
--register --basefolder /Users/nicola/SailfishOS/mersdk and i resolved removing
MerSDK.vbox and pressing retry in the dialog
2) when the maintenance tool execute /usr/