Re: I can haz Navisys GPS USB pucks, gr601w and gr701w

2016-05-14 Thread Gary E. Miller
Yo Hal! On Sat, 14 May 2016 18:08:42 -0700 Hal Murray wrote: > said: > > I like the PR aspect. Does NTPsec advertise itself in any way over > > NTP protocol? Like a version number or something? > > In general, exposing version info is considered a

Re: I can haz Navisys GPS USB pucks, gr601w and gr701w

2016-05-14 Thread Gary E. Miller
Yo Daniel! On Sat, 14 May 2016 18:33:25 -0500 Daniel Poirot wrote: > Uh... ntpd is not in there. This is my dev machine. Well, then your email proves nothing about detecting ntpd version remotely. Since you had no ntp to detect. > nmap has an option to dump some version

Re: I can haz Navisys GPS USB pucks, gr601w and gr701w

2016-05-14 Thread Gary E. Miller
Yo Daniel! On Sat, 14 May 2016 17:03:09 -0500 Daniel Poirot wrote: > Nmap is all about the options! Really? And where do you see ntpd in there? How do you know you are running NTPsec, or NTP classic, or Chronyd? RGDS GARY

Re: I can haz Navisys GPS USB pucks, gr601w and gr701w

2016-05-14 Thread Daniel Poirot
Nmap is all about the options! siguser@jasper:~$ sudo nmap -sV -T4 -O -F --version-light [sudo] password for siguser: Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2016-05-14 04:16 CDT Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.14s latency). Not shown: 90 closed ports PORT

I can haz Navisys GPS USB pucks, gr601w and gr701w

2016-05-14 Thread Mark Atwood
Hi! I have a crate of Navisys GPS USB receiver pucks. I'm going to list them for sale on etsy and tindie shortly. Daniel, Eric, Hal, Amar, Gary: please privately email me a postal address that can receive a USPS PM package, and I will send you each a new 701w unit. Please try to do that today,