----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eli Mesika" <emes...@redhat.com>
> To: "Sahina Bose" <sab...@redhat.com>, "Allon Mureinik" 
> <amure...@redhat.com>, "Arik Hadas" <aha...@redhat.com>,
> "Mike Kolesnik" <mkole...@redhat.com>, "Gilad Chaplik" <gchap...@redhat.com>
> Cc: "engine-de...@ovirt.org" <devel@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:05:51 PM
> Subject: [ovirt-devel] [DB] Diffrent UUIDs for inserted data per installation
> Hi
> I am trying to cleanup all the data insertion to the engine DB and make it
> more general
> The main drive to that is DB version squashing that was done manually and
> therefor was error prone ...
> I know that both storage_pool_id (a.k.a DC) and vds_group_id (a.k.a Cluster)
> needs to get a different UUID per installation.
> But I had found that UUIDs are generated per installation for also :
> table          |   column/s
> ------------------------------------
> [cpu_profiles] : id
> [gluster_services] : id
> [mac_pools] : id

Added Martin to comment on this one. AFAIK the id can be static for
all installations.

> [permissions] : id, object_id
> [vm_device]: device_id, vm_id
> [vm_static] : vm_guid
> [vnic_profiles] : id

Added Lior to comment. In any case, we can evaluate the id by querying
by name, hence the specific value id value shouldn't be important.

> Please let me know if any of the above should be generated using the
> uuid_generate_v1() function on each installation or we can have static IDs
> for those.
> Thanks
> Eli Mesika
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