Dear RIOTers,

A RIOT Hackathon will be held at Paris from 22 to 25 May and I think this
is the perfect timing to handle the I2C refactoring introduced in [1].
the 22 May, an embargo will be created regarding the I2C API, all I2C
drivers and all I2C CPUs peripherals. During this time, all PR's related to
I2C will be postponed/blocked.

A dedicated branch will also be create at the same time and an issue is
already create for tracking the remodeling [2] and will be update soon . I
hope this embargo will last 1 or 2 weeks max. This time will be used to
update the API for all drivers and all CPU periphs. This refactoring will
also introduce some new features like 10 bits addressing. I guess it will
be impossible to implement all the new features for all CPUs in such a
short amount of time. This is why we will implement these features on
several (but not all) CPUs as a proof-of-concept during the embargo for
testing purpose. I hope all CPUs will support these features for the
2018.07 release.

Any help on this scope is welcome  (rewrite drivers, reviews, tests on
hardware) even if you cannot attempt the Hackathon.

Keep RIOTing ;)


Dylan Laduranty
devel mailing list

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