
With XFree 4.4, nv driver and GeForce2 Integrated (Chipset ID
0x01A0), XFree hangs.
The log shows that the video ram size value determinated is
wrong ( VideoRAM: 1120256 kBytes )

In file "nv_setup.c", in function "nv10GetConfig", the line :
    if((pNv->Chipset && 0xffff) == 0x01a0) {
should be :
    if((pNv->Chipset & 0xffff) == 0x01a0) {

With this modification, the video ram size value is correct
and XFree does not hang anymore ( VideoRAM: 32768 kBytes ).

( The line was also wrong in XFree 4.3, but a side effect
cause the video ram size determinated to be not so wrong (
VideoRAM: 16384 kBytes ) ).


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