> I'm sure it gives you a hardon to bash Linux, but
> you're being intellectually dishonest.
For openers, sexual references are inappropriate. This is a
list of professionals, and it ill behoves you to not treat
us that way.

Secondly, I was in *NO WAY* bashing Linux. I am a HUGE fan
of open source and have spent a large number of hours
contributing to open source projects and trying to convince
a "not invented here" company to accept more of it in their
products. I was making a commentary on badly written
*APPLICATIONS* that are very Linux-centric yet still trying
to claim portability. That was the sum total of my gripe.

> GNOME and KDE applications are running successfully on 
> Solaris, FreeBSD, and many other platforms.  Sun is actively 
> working on a desktop based on these "Linux-centric" applications.
GNOME and KDE are in *NO WAY* Linux-centric. In fact they are
shining examples of how software CAN be portable and how to
do it right.

> You're just as bad as some of my friends, ignorantly bashing 
> Microsoft without any real knowledge.  Take your ignorance elsewhere.
If I felt you were in any way qualified to make any kind of
judgement about my level of ignorance or not, I may take offence.
But since you seem to be a reactionary with an axe to grind
or an over-inflated sense of defensiveness (is that a word?)
towards Linux I will take it from whence it comes.

In future, I strongly recommend you read what is actually
writen, make an attempt to discern that was intended if
the meaning was ambiguous, and inquire as to that intent
before running your mouth.

This is not the place for this discussion so I shall not
continue it here further. If you feel the need for a flame war
please respond to me privately.

Have a nice timezone.


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