I added wacom to the subject because my question has it's origin in a
problem I have with the a program
using a wacom tablet, but for debugging purpose I wrote a small Xt program
(used a Xaw widget, but same behavior with
a Motif widget) for testing.....

this progam creates a window, and adds an XtEventHandler with:
  int mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
    EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |

The question is:

Why  do I get a pair of Enter/Leave Window events before each  mouse
buttonPress ?

A simple X program selecting on the same events doesn't show this (for
me strange) behavior, i.e. there
are no Enter/Leave events before a buttonPress, only when (as expected)
the pointer crosses the window

Thank's for any response.

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