
We have enabled the koji 'save-failed-tree' plugin in This plugin allows you to tell koji to bundle up
a failed official builds chroot (either partly or fully) and download it
to investigate it locally. 

This plugin should only be used for the case where you cannot determine
the cause of a build failure by any other means and need to examine
specific files in the chroot to do so. 

A few things to note: 

* This will only work on failed official builds that have failed
recently enough to still have their chroot on the builder where they
failed (default: 1 day)  Not scratch builds. Not canceled builds.
The chroot downloads are REALLY LARGE. Please use this sparingly. 

* This will only work on buildArch tasks, not images, etc

* Saved tree .tar.gz's are deleted from koji after 14 days.

* You need to have python3-koji-cli-plugins subpackage installed to use
the command. 

* You run the command as: koji save-failed-tree <failed-taskid>

I hope that this will be of use to help maintainers track down hard to
isolate bugs when all other means fail. 


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