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tl;dr The Server Working Group has been formed and will be meeting on
Wednesday. See the == Logistical Information == section below for details.

== General Announcement ==

As most of you are aware, the Fedora Project is embarking upon a new
venture. Traditionally, the Fedora Project has been a "bag of bits"
collection of packages that attempted to serve everyone's needs
simulataneously. As time has passed, we've discovered that when you
try to please everyone at once, you usually fail to please anyone at all.

Starting at Flock, a new proposal was born: Instead of One Fedora
Project to Rule Them All, why don't we try building three Fedora
Operating Systems from the packages in the Fedora Project. These three
operating systems (dubbed Fedora Server, Fedora Workstation and Fedora
Cloud, initially) were discussed at length, then ultimately proposed
to the Fedora Project Advisory Board, who gave the go-ahead to start

We spent about a month eliciting calls for volunteers to serve on five
"Working Groups". There is one group built around the planning and
execution of each of these new Fedora Products and then the "Base
Design" group, which will be responsible for ensuring that the
products share a common core and an "Environments and Stacks" group
that will investigate how best to deploy software from the larger
Fedora Project ecosystem atop these new Fedora Products.

Part of the planning process for these new working groups was for us
to set up an initial voting membership who has two initial
 1) Establish a governance charter - determine how to run the Working
    Group and elect voting members. This charter is due on November 15,
    2013 and must be ratified by FESCo.
 2) Produce a Product Requirements Document (PRD) - This is a statement
    of target audience and the role of the project (what problems it
    will solve and what niche it will fill). This is a high-level view
    of the Product. This document is due in January, 2014 and must be
    ratified by the Fedora Advisory Board.

To talk a little bit about the voting membership. It should be noted
that these are NOT the only members of the Server WG that can
participate. We strongly encourage the participation of all of the
larger Server SIG in this effort. Ultimately, the voting membership
will be the ones to make (and vote on) final decisions, particularly
in the case of controversy or disagreement. This should never be done
without careful consideration of all the facts.

The initial voting membership was selected by the FESCo coordinator
(me, Stephen Gallagher).

 * Jim Perrin: He will bring to the table an idea of what the CentOS
   project would want to see in CentOS 8 for its constituency (which is
   notably different from Red Hat's consumers, despite sharing a common
   code ancestry)

 * David Strauss: He maintains a large existing deployment of Fedora
   servers in production and will be able to help us identify its
   strengths and weaknesses when used in such a manner.

 * Truong Anh. Tuan: Representing the Fedora Ambassadors, he will be
   aiding us in producing information that will be useful when talking
   about this new product in public.

 * Máirín Duffy: As the representative from the Fedora Design Team, she
   will be invaluable in all conversations planning for the user
   experience and product announcements.

 * Kevin Fenzi: Representing Fedora Infrastructure, he will hopefully
   keep us grounded in what we can or cannot accomplish in a particular
   period of time (as well as having a wealth of knowledge around
   real-world deployment scenarios). He is also a member of FESCo,
   though not acting as coordinator.

 * Miloslav Trmač: Red Hat security engineer who no doubt work
   tirelessly to ensure that we ship a product that is tightly
   controlled and properly maintained, as well as representing other
   low-level security decisions. He is also a member of FESCo, though
   not acting as coordinator.

 * Simo Sorce: Red Hat engineer representing the identity and policy
   management space. His experience with both FreeIPA and Active
   Directory will be invaluable as we work out how to coordinate Fedora
   Server in heterogenous environments.

 * Jóhann B. Guðmundsson: Representing the Fedora QA team, I expect
   Jóhann to focus primarily on working to make sure that we do not
   make life any more difficult for testers than we strictly must.

== Logistical Information ==

This logistical information is a proposal. We may decide to change
some or all of it as a result of the first meeting of the voting

This meeting will take place in #fedora-meeting-1 on Wednesday,
November 30 at 17:00 UTC (13:00 EDT, 19:00 CZ). This is immediately
prior to the FESCo meeting at 18:00 UTC, so we will have a strict
one-hour limit on this meeting.

Mailing List: ser...@lists.fedoraproject.org
IRC Channel: #fedora-server on Freenode

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