On Friday, 9 February 2024 23:04:20 PST Thiago Macieira wrote:
> I added a fallback to C++17. I make no promises that it has the same level
> of compatibility as the C++20 official concept. In fact, I know it doesn't.
> It will reject some types and accept others that it shouldn't.
> That's QHash. That means we need to be sure we won't cause problems for
> existing users. I have absolutely no problem in making this feature only
> accessible in C++20, if need be.


I had more problems keeping q20::equality_comparable_with working when I made 
some more changes, so I just deleted it.

That means the front-end QHash feature depends on C++20. No old code will be 
affected, but you can only use the new feature if you enable C++20 in your 

I someone wants to ressurrect q20::equality_comparable_with, be my guest. But 
as Marc said about a decade ago, "[C++ old version] costs more" (he was 
talking about C++98(.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Cloud Software Architect - Intel DCAI Cloud Engineering

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