On segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2013 01.21.12, Carlos Gomez, HCL America 
> 1: How stable was this port into Tizen IVI 1.0?

Unknown. Some applications ran, but I also had bug reports of things not 
working, like missing files when loading QML applications.

> 2: Was this a "Wayland only" port?


> 3: How complete was this port?  I ask because I *think* I see evidence that
> QtQuick 1.0 support was not included.

It included only the packages you saw, and qtxmlpatterns was included only 
because of a dependency from qtdeclarative.

The port existed in IVI because of the migration from MeeGo IVI, which 
included lots of QML applications and many OEMs in the segment preferred Qt. 
After those applications were ported to EFL and the OEMs got convinced to move 
on, the port was no longer needed and was dropped. 

I tried to maintain it for 2 months, but I failed to get things to build for 
me and I don't understand how Tizen's OBS / GBS works well enough. All tasks 
assigned to me are now closed as "won't fix" / "out of scope". In any case, 
Tizen 1.0 is done anyway.

If you want Qt on Tizen, please watch the efforts from Tomasz Olszak, which 
runs on Tizen 2.1 (mobile and IVI) and should work on the upcoming 2.2 
release. I'm working with them so that Qt is brought back into Tizen for 3.0.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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