On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 06:56:01AM +0100, Jaime Nebrera Herrera wrote:
>       1) We are going to translate at least part of the "web control system"
> to Spanish. We will start with all the parts relative to the Internet
> gateway and we might continue with all the other pages. The problem is
> we have found that there is not a good "internationalization" base. It
> seems all the messages are directly in the code, not in some kind of
> "messages table". Is there any initiative in this project to facilitate
> this work or we will have to make it from the beginning?. In this case,
> what should we try?

I've been researching internationalisation and localisation for the web
manager.  I made some posts to this list a few weeks ago on the topic.

Jaime, if you could hold off for just a little bit, we can make sure
that we're all working along the same track.

One thing that would be useful would be to get a Spanish translation of
all the strings we use.  I'll attach a list for your perusal.  Note 
that these are for version 4.0 ... but hopefully translating them will
give us most of what we need for 4.1.


Kirrily "Skud" Robert
"AM/PM and time zone:""
"Additional local networks""
"Beginning of DHCP address range""
"Can't open directory $cgidir\n""
"Can't open file $files_hash{$file}/$file: $!\n""
"Cannot open group file: $group_file: $!\n""
"Content-disposition: inline; filename=esmithsg.bak\n""
"Content-type: application/octet-stream\n""
"Could not decode backup file: $!\n""
"Could not open file /tmp/esmithsg.bak for output: $!\n""
"DHCP server""
"DNS server""
"Domain information""
"Email addresses""
"End of DHCP address range""
"Error occurred after updating i-bays.\n""
"Error occurred after updating virtual domains.\n""
"Error occurred while creating domain.\n""
"Error occurred while creating group.\n""
"Error occurred while creating information bay.\n""
"Error occurred while creating network.\n""
"Error occurred while creating printer.\n""
"Error occurred while creating the re-installation diskette.\n""
"Error occurred while creating user.\n""
"Error occurred while deleting domain.\n""
"Error occurred while deleting group.\n""
"Error occurred while deleting ibay.\n""
"Error occurred while deleting network.\n""
"Error occurred while deleting printer.\n""
"Error occurred while deleting user.\n""
"Error occurred while modifying domain.\n""
"Error occurred while modifying group.\n""
"Error occurred while modifying information bay.\n""
"Error occurred while modifying password for ${acct}.\n""
"Error occurred while modifying password for admin.\n""
"Error occurred while modifying user.\n""
"Error occurred while updating dialup configuration.\n""
"Error occurred while updating group.\n""
"Error occurred while updating i-bay.\n""
"Error occurred while updating server configuration.\n""
"Error occurred while updating system configuration.\n""
"Error: \"$domainName\" is not an existing domain.""
"Error: \"$domain\" is not an existing domain.""
"Error: \"$name\" is an existing printer.""
"Error: \"$network\" is not an existing local network.""
"Error: account \"$acctName\" is not an existing account.""
"Error: account \"$acctName\" is not an existing i-bay account.""
"Error: account \"$acctName\" is not an existing user account.""
"Error: account \"$acct\" is not an existing i-bay account.""
"Error: account \"$groupName\" is not an existing account.""
"Error: account \"$groupName\" is not an existing group account.""
"Error: internal failure while removing printer \"$printer\".""
"Error: invalid network address $networkAddress. Did not add network.""
"Error: invalid network address \"$address\" (must be blank for local printer). Did 
not create new printer.""
"Error: invalid network address \"$address\". Did not create new printer.""
"Error: invalid network printer name \"$remoteName\" (must be blank for local 
printer). Did not create new printer.""
"Error: invalid network printer name \"$remoteName\". Did not create new printer.""
"Error: invalid subnet mask $networkMask. Did not add network.""
"Error: network $network (derived from network $networkAddress and subnet mask 
$networkMask) ""
"Error: no members in group \"$groupDesc\". Did not create new group.""
"Error: no members in group \"$groupDesc\". Did not modify group.""
"FTP server""
"It is strongly suggested that you reboot the""
"Networking parameters""
"New hour/min/sec:""
"New month/day/year:""
"Primary domain""
"Primary web site""
"SMTP, POP, and IMAP mail servers""
"Server names""
"Since this manager application is password protected, you will""
"Successfully changed password for information bay \"$acct\".""
"Successfully changed password for user account $acct.""
"Successfully created information bay $name.""
"Successfully created printer $name.""
"Successfully created user account $acctName.""
"Successfully created user group $groupName.""
"Successfully created virtual domain $domainName.""
"Successfully deleted local network $network.""
"Successfully deleted printer \"$printer\".""
"Successfully deleted user account $acct.""
"Successfully deleted virtual domain $domain.""
"Successfully modified information bay $acctName.""
"Successfully modified user account $acctName.""
"Successfully modified user group $groupName.""
"Successfully modified virtual domain $domainName.""
"The following files and directories have been restored:""
"The new workgroup settings have been saved.""
"The system password has been changed.""
"Virtual domains""
"Web and proxy servers""
"You are about to remove the printer \"$printer\" ($description).""
"e-smith individual password changer""
"e-smith manager""
"e-smith server local IP address""
"e-smith server local subnet mask""
'Additional networks with local access privileges''
'All files belonging to this information bay''
'All files belonging to this user account will be''
'All the spool files for this printer will be deleted.''
'Are you sure you wish to remove this account?''
'Are you sure you wish to remove this domain?''
'Are you sure you wish to remove this group?''
'Are you sure you wish to remove this information bay?''
'Are you sure you wish to remove this network?''
'Are you sure you wish to remove this printer?''
'As part of our commitment to open-source software, ''
'Current List of Information Bays''
'Current List of User Accounts''
'Current List of User Groups''
'Current List of Virtual Domains''
'Current List of printers''
'Current setting:''
'Do not use this option''
'Error: Could not open timezone file for reading: ' . $! . '.''
'Error: internal failure while changing password for account "' . $acct . '".''
'Error: internal failure while changing password for information bay "' . $acct . '".''
'Error: internal failure while removing local network ' . $network . '.''
'Error: internal failure while removing virtual domain "' . $domain . '".''
'Error: password must contain only letters and numbers.''
'Error: password must contain only printable characters.''
'Error: passwords are not identical.''
'For security reasons, several services on your e-smith server are available only to 
your local network.''
'If you have received this software for free,''
'It is strongly''
'New date and time setting:''
'No additional local networks on file.''
'Successfully created re-installation diskette.''
'Successfully created starter web site (wrote file index.htm).''
'System clock is being updated. Please wait for ''
'The dialup string "', $dialupPop, '" is not valid.''
'The following information bays were assigned to this group and will be changed to 
'The following virtual domains were using this information bay as their content and 
will be changed to the''
'The text that you enter below will be line wrapped ''
'There are no information bays in the system.''
'There are no printers in the system.''
'There are no user accounts in the system.''
'There are no user groups in the system.''
'There are no virtual domains in the system.''
'This report summarizes the networking, server, and domain parameters on this''
'To create a simple web page for your company, fill ''
'When you create a virtual domain, your e-smith server will be able to receive''
'You are about to remove the information bay "''
'You are about to remove the local network ''
'You are about to remove the user account "''
'You are about to remove the user group "''
'You are about to remove the virtual domain "''
'You can remove any account or reset the''
'You can remove any information bay or reset its''
'Your e-smith Server and Gateway is currently operating''
'where you would like each line break.''

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