On startup of my node I'm getting "java.io.IOException: Already closed!".  
Somebody posted this same problem to the list on September 8, and didn't 
get a response.  I've just posted to the support list.  If you have an 
answer to this problem, I would love to hear it on support.

But my real question here, on the devl list, is this.  When I get errors 
like this, it spits to stderr, which goes to stdout.  Would it be safe to 
redirect stderr to /dev/null?  I mean, that's why we have the log, right?

Either that or send less to stderr.  The above mentioned error isn't a 
show-stopper.  The node still came up, I was still able to connect to 
localhost:8888 and browse Freenet.  One would think that it wouldn't need 
to be sent to stderr, just the log.

I'm not a Java programmer, I don't know if there's an obvious "duh" to 
anything I've said.

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