On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 01:16:16 +1200, David McNab wrote:

> Hi,
> I was dusting off my PyFreenet python wrapper for Freenet FCP, and
> running the test suite.
> The test failed when the FCP 'GenerateSVKPair' command got a response
> 'CryptoKey=blahblahblah'.

freenet.client.cli.* uses this (if set) since build 547.

Fred generates this since build 5017.

FIW uses it since 0.07.

> WTF does 'CryptoKey' mean? It hasn't been added to the FCP spec.

The FCP spec was last updated before Build 5017.

BTW - is the InvertSSK already in the spec?

> Please enlighten me.

it is used to make SSKs safer.

use [EMAIL PROTECTED],cryptokey/filename

to insert something and

[EMAIL PROTECTED],cryptokey/filename

to retrieve it. Trying to retrieve it with wrong cryptoKey will get you the
data, but cannot decrypt it - similar to a CHK modified after the comma
(several client apps crash on that thing...). Trying to insert with another
cryptoKey will just lead into a keycollision, but if the program is too
intalligent and wants to check whether the file is still the same (by
retrieving it), it runs into the same problems as with retrieving. BTDT.


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