> I just wish there was something that didn't require
> much initial 
> investment.  Something we commonfolk could do.
> -todd

I think some of you guys have got the wrong idea about
my suggestion.  We don't want to set up webservers to
pull content from freenet.  I don't think we want to
have them pay us to setup nodes for the insertion.

Economics of Pron Video Distribution
Say it costs your ISP charges $10 per GB.  You want
people to look at sample videos that are 10MB.  So per
sample video you pay $0.10 to upload them from your
webserver.  That's not cheap considering the vast
majority may be content to look at the sample but not
buy anything.

Enter filesharing Networks  
Now you can upload your 10MB once for $0.10 and have 1
guy look at it.  If he doesn't delete it right away,
the file will propagate costing you nothing, but
giving you free advertising.

Enter FreeNet
Now you can do the same thing.  But unlike in
filesharing networks where you can only setup a long
file name to describe your content, now you can make a
nice little freesite with links to your pay website,
thumbnails, descriptions, and hashcodes identify
material before it's downloaded.  That beats the hell
out of stupid long filenames that just contain faul
language to temp people into downloading them.

What they want: to save bandwidth and get paying
What do they have: pron and bandwidth
How this helps: if their nodes are "forced" to be
"good" freenet nodes by the system, they will have a
positive externality.  They may also be inclined to
donate money.

Now let's look at the downsides real quick:
1) Files they share will of then be for micro$oft
media player(oraface) and may be virulent.  Not our
fault/problem.  The good news is that the
"respectable" freesites may promise good content.
2) If things in Freenet are usually found in HTL 10
90% of the time you're up/downloading for someone
else.  We can't expect them to spend more bandwidth
then they would if the just hosted the stuff on the
3) The may try to take advantage of freenet using all
their bandwidth to insert and as little as possible to
answer queries.  Someday Freenet may ensure this isn't
a problem, but hell *someday* the routing will work
right :-P
4) These jerks may not feel the need to donate money
to the cause.


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