On Tue, 19 Aug 2003, Sebastian Lohmeier wrote:

> I've seen several release numbers (0.6, 2.0) mentioned on the list.
> Is there any past email or a document that describes the future 
> development of freenet (i.e. which features and maturity level are 
> targeted and a rough estimate when they are assumed to be available)?

There's no "official" roadmap.  The Freenet Project has nary the time 
and resources for one.  But the "official Freenet $codemonkey" 
has a general idea floating around in his brain somewhere.  And come to 
think of it, what exactly is this general idea, Matthew?  It'd be 
interesting to know, if you get a minute.

NGRouting before 0.6.
SVM-NGRouting after that (if it's still going on)
blank, blank, and blank before 1.0
"hostile environments" after 2.0, you recently said

What else?

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